My favourite book.
This is an epic story and is perfect in every way (except that it ends). I was initially put off by the 'fantasy' tag but now I religiously read it once a year. How does anyone have such an extroadinary imagination? Tolkien really is a master of literature - amazing. Great characters and a fantastic story, it just has every element you want from a book. Tolkien writes in such a way that you are taken on a journey through different lands, languages, and emotions. At every stage the level of detail and description is so immense that you lose yourself in the story and it seems so real. If you haven't read this book you have not lived.
Points: 565
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The Lord of the Rings review
Posted : 12 years, 4 months ago on 14 May 2012 05:46 (A review of The Lord of the Rings )0 comments, Reply to this entry
The Help review
Posted : 12 years, 4 months ago on 14 May 2012 05:25 (A review of The Help)Better than expected. I started reading this and thought it was really good. At the end I felt a bit flat though and realised that it seemed way better than it is because I read it straight after the dreadful 'up close and personal' (!). I would recommend it as a quick read and it certainly held my attention. It is set up as giving the opposite side to Gone with the Wind; but whoever thinks GwtW is simply about people having maids has not read the book. Pretty basic story but it is sentimental and makes you think, and I did enjoy reading it. The worst part is the whole pie issue as it didn't really seem that believable (although it was believable before I saw the film - just shows that books are better!).
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Up Close and Personal review
Posted : 12 years, 4 months ago on 14 May 2012 05:16 (A review of Up Close and Personal)The worst book I have ever, ever read. I cannot believe things like this are actually published. I was given this as a present (I don't usually go for books like this) and it was a good present - if just to show how good other books are. Its about three lame women who are so stereotypical its unbelievable. The blurb on the back promises sex and humour and its devoid of both - unless you count one of the lame women watching people dressed as woodland creatures having sex as sexy. Ridiculous characters with names like 'Dante' and cupcakes galore. I literally rolled my eyes at the bottom of each page. Just when you think it will get better, it just gets even worse. Steer clear, I would not recommend this book or this writer - has she even read any decent fiction? So awful.
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Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China review
Posted : 12 years, 4 months ago on 8 May 2012 06:02 (A review of Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China)This took me aaages to get through. Wow, a great book but seriously intense. Its a tough book because of all the hardship and general lack of positivity, but perhaps thats what keeps a person reading - you just hope that things get better. Not knowing much about China and communism I found all the political aspects a little confusing but the personal history of Jung Chang is so inspiring. I found the stories of her Grandmother particularly interesting. I feel the book has expanded my thinking and I would definitely recommend it, but if you read it be prepared for some dark moments.
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Persepolis review
Posted : 12 years, 4 months ago on 8 May 2012 05:49 (A review of Persepolis)I got this book as a present and it really did not look like my sort of thing (I am definitely not a graphic novel kind of person). I gave it a go though and it is now one of my favourites. So different to the books I normally read, which puts it in a league of its own. It deals with complex issues but is so easy to read. I really warmed to Satrapi and found the whole book really interesting. Try it - you won't be disappointed.
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